At St John’s, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all children. If a child is unable to access the curriculum we offer, we change and adapt it to meet the needs of the child. We do not believe one size fits all. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children matter, and we will ensure that every child is able to achieve whilst at St John’s.
This policy helps to ensure that this school promotes the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background.
Click here for the local SEND offer
With the help of FSOJ, we have recently been lucky enough to build a well-being room in school. This space is used daily for a number of reasons. It holds sensory equipment for children who require certain sensory stimulus in their daily routine. It is used as a space to run interventions which support strengthening of fine motor skills, circle or friends, social groups and social stories. Ultimately, it is used as a space where children can go to take a break from the busy school day and have some time out or one to one time with an adult, through pastoral care sessions.
As a school, we work very hard to make sure that the needs of all children are met. Core skills time is built into every class time table in Key Stage 2. During this time, focus children, who have been identified during teacher meetings with the inclusion lead, are allocated specific time with the class teacher or teaching assistant, in which they will work on specific gaps identified in their learning linked to mathematical skills.
Interventions for reading and spelling are carried out in smaller groups during whole class reading or during spelling and phonic sessions.
We endeavour to avoid narrowing the curriculum for those children who may need additional support, by ensuring this support is given in class or at the same time as core lessons are taking place. We strongly believe that children should not be taken out of the creative subjects to focus on any additional support they may need with core subjects.
Outside Agencies
At St John’s, we have extremely strong links with a range of outside agencies, who support us in ensuring that the right provision is given to individual and groups of children, so that they have the opportunity to achieve.
- Speech and Language Therapists
- The Bridge Outreach
- New River College Outreach
- Sam Rhodes Outreach
- Educational Psychologist
Our Inclusion contacts