Pupils feel happy and secure in this school. This is because the adults keep them safe.
Through an extensive personal development programme, [children] learn the difference between unkind behaviour and bullying. They feel well equipped and well supported by adults to deal with both on the rare occasions they happen.
Overall, pupils are calm, confident and peaceful in lessons and at breaktimes.
Pupils are expected to work hard and take responsibility for their learning.
The school has implemented a broad and balanced curriculum that matches what is expected nationally.
Most subjects have been set out with high ambition to ensure that pupils learn the appropriate building blocks of knowledge at the appropriate stage.
Pupils with SEND are identified quickly, and the school ensures that the appropriate agencies and specialist support are accessed in a timely fashion.
Pupils are polite and courteous to each other and their teachers. On the few occasions when behaviour needs addressing by staff, pupils quickly correct their conduct, and learning continues with little disruption.
The school has ensured that pupils have access to a very stimulating and enriching wider curriculum.
Children learn about different cultures and faiths, protected characteristics, equal opportunities and the full range of family structures and relationships.
Pupils benefit from participating in numerous sporting activities and inter-school competitions. Leaders take steps to ensure that all pupils benefit from this exceptionally well considered programme of activities.
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