Guided Reading
Children read a variety of texts in small groups to their teacher in school on a weekly basis. Children are grouped for reading adjusted w according to ability and read at an appropriate level. They are assessed regularly and groupings and colour bands are hen necessary. Guided-reading records are kept for each reading group, in which a learning focus and progress notes are noted.
Regular shared reading takes place where pupils are encouraged to listen, discuss, re-enact and develop their own ideas in co-operation with others throughout literacy lessons and the broader curriculum
First hand experiences are provided wherever appropriate to inspire, motivate and improve children’s vocabulary and language skills and in turn their writing achievements. Lessons enable children to make progress and develop their knowledge, understanding and skills as they progress from the Foundation Stage throughout the school. Children are given the opportunity to extend their writing and apply their knowledge and skills throughout the whole curriculum.
During the Foundation stage we follow the Jolly Phonics scheme in order to teach phonics to early years children. In Key Stage 1 the Letters and Sounds approach to phonics teaching is implemented in both Year 1 and 2. Spelling, grammar and punctuation is then systematically taught across the school as a follow on from phonics.
Handwriting begins in the E. Y. F. S. with mark-making and patterns. All children are given access to a wide range of writing tools and mediums to practise early fine motor skills.
Letter formation and handwriting is taught and modelled throughout school using the Nelson Handwriting Scheme. Individual letters are taught with flicks that lead onto a cursive script.